Faithful & Well

"Illuminating the Path: Empowering New Believers to Grow in Christ"

How to Create a Life of Meaning and Faith

Each day is a new opportunity to start over, or simply to carry on with what you started yesterday.

There’s a secret to living a meaningful life – a secret to being able to live each day the best you can, so that when you climb into bed at night, you know that it was a day well spent.

Begin Your Day in Quietness

Take the time to be grateful for a new day when you open your eyes in the morning. Quiet your Mind with a good devotional. Look over your life with gratitude.

Express thanks for your life, your family, your friends, your health, your job or career, the country in which you live and all the things that you take for granted.

Spend some time in prayer, reflection, reading, listening to inspirational music, a podcast, a sermon, whatever inspires you and prepared your heart and Mind for the day ahead.

Put Purpose & a Plan to Every Day

Decide on what you want to accomplish for the day. You may have been thinking about this overnight.  Begin to figure out how you will make that happen and commit yourself to doing it.

If you have a plan in place and have committed yourself, you will get more of what you want to accomplish, done. As you set about your day, you already know where to begin.

You will also have something to evaluate at the end of the day. And you will know if you succeeded or if you have to start working at it again tomorrow.

Exercise & Eat Well

At some point in your day, take time out to get some exercise. Whether you go to a gym or do your exercise session in the comfort of your home, it is important to keep yourself fit, through exercise and a healthy diet.

Even if you fall off track at times, go back to taking care of your body.

Find some time, whether in the early morning or whenever is better suited to your schedule, to move and stretch your body.

Eat healthy meals throughout the day. This may mean taking your lunch from home.

If you do, you know that what you are eating is healthy. You will also be saving money, especially if you are trying to maintain a budget.

Be Aware of Everything you do and Think and Say

As you go through your day, work on the things you planned to do. Since you created a plan, you know whether or not you are on track. If you have a number of things to do, decide on the activities that you will give priority.

A “to do” checklist can be very helpful. This way, if you do not get around to everything that you had in Mind, the more important things will have been taken care of. You will get a sense of satisfaction that you are meeting your goals.


Guard your thoughts. Your Mind is a battleground. Be conscious of any negativity. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior (Eph. 4:30).

Destructive thoughts can colour your perspective on a situation and your attitude towards the people around you.

Negative thoughts, when nursed, can take root, and can cause you to lose confidence in the way your see and feel about yourself. 

There is also a substantial amount of evidence to support the fact that negative emotions are linked to negative health effects. 

Be aware of how you are feeling. Monitor your level of stress and take a “time out” if necessary.  A “time out” may mean going for a walk.

It may mean taking time to deep breathe, to sit in your car or a quiet space and close your eyes. Sometimes a quick is all you need to bring your emotions under control. The bible tells us that, “. . .the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7


Be careful of the things you say to and about people. Words can cause serious hurt. Think before speaking, so as not to discourage a person, inflict pain, affect someone’s self-esteem, morale, and mental health. 

Harsh words once spoken, cannot be taken back – the damage is done. Avoid gossip. It is well advised not to say anything about someone behind their back, if you could not say it to their face. The tongue is a little member but it’s capacity to do good or great damage.

Make your words encouraging and uplifting, even if you are offering a critique.

End Your Day in Quiet Reflection and Prayer

Plan to go to bed early enough to get adequate sleep, to be able to function next day. For some people that is 8 hours. For others, it could be more or less hours.

Start shutting down television, telephones and other electronics in preparation for restful, undisturbed sleep. It has been advised that you do not sleep with electronic devices on.

Recent research from Harvard and University of Toronto researchers, found that blue light can affect sleep and can potentially cause disease.

Before falling asleep, evaluated your day. Think of all that you planned to do and how successful you were at meeting those goals.

Before you fall asleep, remember to commit your protection to the Lord. There are battles being raged though out the watches of the night. As Christians, we must be aware of this war in which we are engaged and keep in constant prayer. This doesn’t mean being on your knees constantly, but rather, being always aware of the Holy Spirt and keeping in communion with Him. It means cultivating intimacy with God. Do not expose yourself to spiritual attacks in the night.

Keep a Diary or Journal

Keeping a diary or journal to write daily, is a great way to keep on top of your goals and achievements, your aspirations or for words of inspiration. You can use a journal/diary however you choose.

You can write your thoughts, feelings or just ‘vent’ about a situation. A journal gives you a place to revisit to see the battles you’ve been through and the resolutions to things that had caused stress.

Whether you reached your goals or not, remember that tomorrow is another day. You can start again, re-evaluate the goal and make it more realistic and achievable.

The idea behind creating goals is not to add stress to your life, but to give a sense of direction and help you achieve the things that you want to achieve.

Quiet your Mind further by reading, praying or listening to soft relaxing music. Not everyone will find it relaxing to sleep with music, especially if you are a light sleeper, so bear this in Mind. Music can keep some people awake.

Choose which ever option will take your Mind into rest and tranquility. For you, this might just be quietness.

Adding structure and routine to our life, keeps us oriented. With time, we come to know what we need to do to keep ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually healthy and grounded.

Our routine and plan keep us from flailing about without a sense of direction. If something throws us off, we know what we need to do to get back on track.

A prayer for help to create a life of meaning and faith.

Heavenly Father,
I come before You today with a heart that longs for purpose and fulfillment. I thank You for the gift of life and for the opportunity to walk with You on this journey. Lord, I know that true meaning is found in You alone, and I seek Your guidance as I strive to live a live that honor You.

Help me, Father, to quiet the noise of this world and listen for Your still, small voice. Teach me to prioritize You above all else and to make choices that reflect Your love and truth. When the path ahead seems unclear or uncertain, remind me that You are always with me, leading and supporting me every step of the way. Give me the wisdom to recognize the opportunities You place before me to grow in faith and serve others.

Lord, I ask that You fill me with a deep and abiding trust in Your plan for my life. Even in the moments of struggle or doubt, may I lean on Your promises, knowing that You are faithful and Your love never fails. Strengthen my faith so that I can live with boldness and confidence, rooted in the knowledge that my life is meant to glorify You.

Help me to cultivate a heart of gratitude and compassion, that I might share Your love with those around me. May my life be a reflection of Your grace, and may I find joy in serving You and others. Lead me to live with intentionality, pursuing a life of meaning that draws me closer to You each day.

I surrender my plans, my dreams, and my desires to You, trusting that You will guide me in all things. Thank You for being my constant source of hope and strength. I commit my life to You, knowing that with You, all things are possible.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.