Faithful & Well

"Illuminating the Path: Empowering New Believers to Grow in Christ"

a witness for Christ

When You are Failing at Being a Witness for Christ.

Every Christian is called to be a witness for Christ. We must share His love and truth with those around us. However, there are times when our efforts to witness may be ineffective or even counterproductive. While God’s power can work in any situation, the Bible warns against casting pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) and engaging in fruitless arguments (2 Timothy 2:23). Here are five occasions when witnessing may be futile.

1. When Our Lives Look No Different from the World

One of the biggest obstacles to effective witnessing is a life that does not reflect Christ. If a non-Christian sees no difference between our actions, attitudes, and lifestyle and their own, our words lose credibility. Hypocrisy is a major stumbling block, and people quickly recognize when someone claims faith but lives contrary to it. Before we attempt to witness, we must examine our own walk with Christ and ensure that our lives align with the message we preach (James 1:22).

2. When the Person Has a Hardened Heart

There are times when people are simply not open to receiving the gospel. They may have been hurt by the church, influenced by secular ideologies, or deeply entrenched in unbelief. While we must continuously pray for them, forcing the message on someone who is resistant can push them further away. Jesus Himself permitted people to depart (John 6:66) and told His disciples to shake the dust from their feet when individuals rejected the message (Matthew 10:14). Our job as a witness for Christ is to plant seeds and trust God for the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).

3. When We Are Engaging in Foolish Arguments

Debating theology or defending the faith is not the same as witnessing. While apologetics has its place, arguing with someone who is more interested in proving a point than seeking truth is often futile. Scripture warns against quarreling over words, as it leads to division and ungodliness (2 Timothy 2:14-16). Instead of engaging in endless debates, we should share our testimony and the transformative power of Christ in our lives..

4. When Our Actions Contradict Our Words

If we proclaim love yet hold onto bitterness, speak of humility but behave with pride, or advocate for purity while engaging in sin, our testimony is useless. People are not only listening to what we say but also watching how we live as a witness for Christ. A life that contradicts the gospel message makes it easy for others to dismiss Christ altogether. Before we attempt to evangelize, we should ask the Holy Spirit to refine our hearts so that our actions align with the truth we proclaim (Titus 2:7-8).

5. When the Timing Is Not Right

Not every moment is the right time for witnessing. Trying to share the gospel when someone is in the middle of a personal crisis, deeply grieving, or emotionally closed off may not be effective. Jesus often discerned the right time to speak and when to remain silent (John 16:12). It is crucial to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading, waiting for the moment when a person’s heart is receptive rather than forcing the conversation on them.


While we should always be prepared to give an answer for our faith (1 Peter 3:15), we must also recognize when witnessing may be ineffective. Instead of forcing the gospel on resistant hearts, we should focus on living in a way that reflects Christ. We should pray for God to open doors, and trust Him to soften hearts in His perfect timing. A true witness for Christ knows that is not just about what we say but about how we live and love as ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). Here are other suggestions to consider.

Sure! Here’s an engaging activity for readers of your blog post, When You Are Failing at Being a Witness for Christ. This activity is designed to help them reflect on their struggles and take actionable steps toward being a more effective witness for Jesus.

Activity: The “R.E.F.O.C.U.S.” Challenge

(A Self-Reflection and Action Plan for Being a Better Witness for Christ)

When we feel like we’re failing at being a witness for Christ, it’s often because we’ve lost focus. This activity will help you refocus on what truly matters and make intentional changes in your daily walk with Christ.

Step 1: Reflect

Take a few moments to answer these questions honestly in a journal or notebook:

  • When do I feel like I struggle the most in sharing my faith?
  • What fears or obstacles hold me back?
  • Are there specific situations where I have stayed silent about my faith when I should have spoken up?
  • What areas of my life are not reflecting Christ as they should?

Step 2: Evaluate Your Witness

Write down one or two ways your actions, words, or attitude might be misrepresenting Christ. This could be anything from gossip, impatience, fear of rejection, or simply not making time for God.

Step 3: Find Scripture for Strength

Look up Bible verses that address your struggles and encourage you to be bold in your faith. Here are a few to get started:

  • Matthew 5:16 – “Let your light shine before others…”
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear…”
  • Colossians 4:6 – “Let your conversation be always full of grace…”

Write one verse down and commit to memorizing it this week.

Step 4: Open Up to God in Prayer

Take time to pray, asking God to give you wisdom, boldness, and love to be a better witness. Pray specifically for the situations where you’ve struggled.

Step 5: Commit to an Action Step

Pick one small step you can take this week to be a better witness for Christ. Here are some ideas:

  • Share your testimony with a friend.
  • Invite someone to church.
  • Speak up about your faith in a casual conversation.
  • Show Christ’s love through an act of kindness.

Step 6: Uplift Someone Else

Encourage another believer who may also be struggling. Send them a message, pray for them, or share a verse that has encouraged you.

Step 7: Stay Accountable

Find a friend, mentor, or small group who can encourage and challenge you to grow as a witness for Christ. Share your action step with them and ask them to check in with you.

By following this R.E.F.O.C.U.S. challenge, you can shift from feeling like you’re failing to actively growing as Christ’s witnesses. 😊