Faithful & Well

"Illuminating the Path: Empowering New Believers to Grow in Christ"

  • Overcoming Fear: How to Pray When You’re New to Faith

    Overcoming Fear: How to Pray When You’re New to Faith

    One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1 (NIV). Many new Christians (and even some who have been a Christian for years) say that they do not know how to pray;…

  • Reasons to Study the Word of God for Spiritual Growth

    Reasons to Study the Word of God for Spiritual Growth

    No believer can grow in their faith without studying the Word of God. This does not mean reading the Bible haphazardly or every now and then. Studying the Word of god means reading and meditating on what you read and then applying that word to your life. Many new and young Christians claim to read…

  • “Portals To Your Soul: How To Guard Against Evil”

    “Portals To Your Soul: How To Guard Against Evil”

    Portals are gateways. A portal describes a ‘doorway’ or and ‘entry point’ that connects the physical world with the Spirit World. They are access points; and there are many such avenues that Satan can use to gain access to our soul and ultimately the corruption of your spirit – that inner part of us that connects…

  • How to Create a Life of Meaning and Faith

    How to Create a Life of Meaning and Faith

    Each day is a new opportunity to start over, or simply to carry on with what you started yesterday. There’s a secret to living a meaningful life – a secret to being able to live each day the best you can, so that when you climb into bed at night, you know that it was…

  • How To Seek And Know God’s Voice In The Everyday

    How To Seek And Know God’s Voice In The Everyday

    As a new Christian, learning to hear and know God’s voice will be a matter of trial and error at first. There will be times when you are totally convinced that you heard from Him, but time will prove that you did not. Coming to recognize His voice as opposed to your own is one…

  • Practical Ways to Revive Your Spirit When You’re Feeling Alone as a Christian

    Practical Ways to Revive Your Spirit When You’re Feeling Alone as a Christian

    Every now and then, we all experience moments—even days—when we can’t help feeling alone, cast down in spirit, or even weepy. You may have been reflecting on your life and, for some reason, feel dissatisfied with where you are. Perhaps you had expectations of reaching certain milestones by now, but they haven’t happened. Maybe you’ve…

  • Sexual Purity- Joseph’s Triumph as a Guide to New Christians

    Sexual Purity- Joseph’s Triumph as a Guide to New Christians

    In a world that often normalizes sexual immorality, staying pure can feel like an impossible challenge, especially for new Christians navigating their faith. However, the story of Joseph in Genesis offers a timeless example of integrity, self-control, and unwavering devotion to God. Despite being faced with intense temptation, Joseph chose to honor God rather than…

  • Jesus: How to be Confident in Today’s Confused World

    Jesus: How to be Confident in Today’s Confused World

    Christians today face immense societal pressure to conform to secular ideologies that reject God and dismiss the Bible as outdated and irrelevant. In today’s confused world, the prevailing mindset insists that Scripture should no longer be the foundation for decision-making. We live in an era where absolute truth is increasingly denied, replaced by the belief…

  • How to Share Your Faith in a Pluralistic World

    How to Share Your Faith in a Pluralistic World

    Ae you one of the many Christians who are afraid to share your faith? Some Christians feel that they would not know what to say, others do not want to say anything that is likely to cause offense and still others are afraid of encountering people who are hostile to Christianity. However, we are called…

  • Deceptive New Age Teachings that Fool New Christians

    Deceptive New Age Teachings that Fool New Christians

    The New Age movement has exploded and continues to pervade the church. You may have heard the term New Age, but have no understanding of what New Age really is. You are not alone. This is a general lack of knowledge among the average Christian as to what the New Age movement or it’s theology…